More people than ever look with suspicion upon the events of our time

My first promise regarding foreign affairs is to always do my best to keep you apprised of the status of California and America's role on the global stage.  What follows below is a typical article I wrote for the a long time ago.  Most all of the articles I wrote over an eight year period, were deleted with the "de-platforming" of all of Examiner's journalists. The excellent editors at the Examiner simply did not have the resources to keep track of the content of its writers.

Hence, some articles of other writers were published containing defamatory or outright false info.  In my own case, about three of my articles were completely changed by unknown persons and then published under my by-line.  Many of my articles suffered minor changes affecting the meaning -- and many of the hyperlinks were changed to other locations or rendered inoperable. That may be the case with some of the links below, or with other writings on this website.  So, if you see something that is not right, please let me know.  It would be appreciated.          

At any rate, what I was trying to convey in the following foreign affairs article, is that the Romanian revolution in 1989 was a violent overthrow of government, whereas the decapitation of Poland's political, military, banking and diplomatic leadership in 2010 was an accident waiting to happen.

I have to comment on this because, well forgive me, but I’m just not much interested in what is available in the media today, when compared to a few of the more poignant international news stories of 2010, such as the loss of the leaders of the Polish government. You see, it wasn’t only the Polish President Lech Kaczynski [1] and his wife who were lost. Most all the top government officials were on the plane that went down in Russia; 12 members of the cabinet, the 9 highest generals and commanders of the armed forces, Poland's senior clergymen, the diplomatic corps, and the central banker.

Also, there is an election at hand and the crash killed two of three major party presidential candidates. The only surviving candidate, Bronislaw Komorowski, became the Acting President. He happens to be Moscow's favorite... which still does not imply that this situation is anything but Fate, or whether he would be a good or bad leader for the Slavic people of Poland.

I do know that Poland is a strategic country to its once Communist neighbors between the Black and Baltic seas, such as Latvia, Belarus, the Ukraine, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Moldova and Romania. It is also particularly strategic to those former Soviet Socialist Republic and Cold War [1] satellite states in regard to their relationship with the USA and President Obama's cancellation of Eastern Europe's antimissile shield. Russia maintained that President Bush's intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) system had been directed at the Russian arsenal, while the U.S. stated that the system was a preemtive countermeasure against ICBMs that could eventually be developed by Iran. Late last year, in a gesture that was described as both symbolic, and political, Vice President Biden met with Polish President Lech Kaczynski to affirm the intention of installing a smaller missile plan with SM-3 interceptorsand some American troops on the ground. Now President Lech Kaczynski [2]and his cabinet are gone.

Presently, Poland is still stunned and in mourning, and it is not the time to posture about politics. Nor does the tragedy have any immediate relation to me across the ocean here in America, or my own political campaign in California. But I just could not help but think about how hard the USA once worked to win the friendship of the democratically minded Polish people. And how today, with the collapse of international economic structure, nations have been thrown back upon their own resources making them more isolationistic, and how as such, even in this technologically connected world, the USA appears less attentive to many of our neighbors in Eastern Europe.

Meanwhile our own politicians posture themselves over important sub-issues like Health Care, Abortion, Same Sex Marriage, and the Goldman Sachs Inquisition, when our government should have been able to stay out of issues like that in the first place, if it had been doing what it is supposed to do: regulate. We've all been conditioned to some degree to believe that a speculative bubble and ensuing world economic downturn has occurred, when in reality we have been witness to the greatest covert economic war and central banking collapse in world history, engineered to make a relatively few rich people richer, and keep others in power. And while our leaders debate the emotionally charged sub-issues of the day, they appear to be afraid to confront the real forces behind the world economic crisis; international interests, and the central bank’s looting and destruction of the world financial market.

We saw our Chairman of the Federal Reserve lauded on the cover of Time Magazine, and the President of the United States awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. We saw the President sign a Nuclear Treaty with Russia. But at the very same time we heard the distant report that the government of Poland was decapitated. No wonder confused people and agitators around the world wondered what was going on. But by comparison, how important is a treaty that reduces nuclear arms by one third when Russia and the US have both technically broken themselves in the economic war and cannot afford the additional third anyhow?

Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev made the same one third nuclear arms reduction treaty; a great public relations move to thaw the ice of the Cold War [2]. But it was much better diplomacy then, because it was without a lack of public confidence brought on by catastrophic economic collapse, and the resultant suspicions that someone might be taking down the government of a sovereign country, like Poland, while someone else who might have prevented it, was out to lunch.

This understandable economic-seated mistrust of the governments in the USA and Russia has caused more people than ever to look with suspicion upon the events of our time, while officials who have acted in good faith, or otherwise, frequently become deeply offended by such suspicions. Just as the German public mind is disturbed by the association of the German people with the National Socialist Party and their extermination of millions of Jews throughout Central and Eastern Europe, so too is the Russian public mind troubled by Stalin's purging of millions of Russians, and his initial collusion with Hitler in the Katyn Forest massacre of about 22,000 Polish military personnel at the beginning of World War II. Likewise, Americans are deeply offended by allegations that Allied troops continued to arrest German men and boys long after Germany’s surrender, and hold them in camps where they starved to death. A similar thing happened to American Indians, and Confederate prisoners during the United States Civil War. And I don't have enough space here to tell you what was done to the Irish nation under Cromwell.

What makes all these kinds of atrocities more difficult to shoulder is that not only will they will be remembered in the collective consciousness for a thousand years or more, but their memory will be perpetuated for political purposes to drive a wedge between peoples who all struggle for the same thing. And whether past grievances are brought in good faith, they do not arrive without the mistrust that current world governments are still not operating properly, because they are operating under the influence of special interests and a central banking system that is itself under attack.

Many more people are asking questions today, about which perpetrators are behind the things happening in the world. We speculate who “They” might be, whether "They" might be Russians or Americans, or Arabs or Jews, or Big Brother or the Central Banksters, or even Islam and Christianity for that matter.  But all of this adversity pales in comparison to the fact that "We the people," depending upon our perspectives, are really "They", and that our most significant focus ought not to be upon the outrages of the past, but upon the fact that they are continuing to happen now, not back during the infamous days surrounding September 11, 2001, or December 7, 1941, or December 23, 1913, or before the time of Christ, but right now, and we need to more finely focus upon what we can do right now to get back on track.

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